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Celebrate Inspiring Women & Win $20

Celebrate Inspiring Women & Win $20!

International Women’s Day, celebrated every year on March 8th, is a day to honor and recognize the achievements of women all over the world. To celebrate this special occasion, Poll Pay is holding a competition on Instagram to celebrate inspirational women.

In order to participate, users have to comment under the latest Instagram post with the following instructions:

  1. Tell us who is the woman that inspires you in life, and what is the reason behind it? This can be someone you know personally, a family member, or a well-known public figure.
  2. Tag 5 friends who will be interested in earning money through Poll Pay.
  3. Share your Poll Pay invite code.
  4. In order to be eligible for the prize, you must have done at least one survey in the Poll Pay app since signing up.

Five lucky winners will be chosen, and each will receive $20 as a prize!

The competition starts on 8th March 2023 and ends on 12th March 2023 (CET). The winners will be announced on Monday via Instagram and the prize money will be sent to their Poll Pay accounts.

This is a great opportunity to not only recognize the amazing women in our lives, but also to earn some extra cash by participating in surveys on Poll Pay.

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